Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trike 2 Day 3

Today I miniaturized some head tubes! Tomorrow I will be getting the bearings for the cups and hopefully putting on the steering arms and seat!

 Happy Halloween everyone!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Trike 2 Day 2

Today I welded on the seat back and put in the support, and now the suspension is linked up!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Trike 2 Day 1

Today was officially my first work day on the new trikes! I got the rear end done and welded onto the main support tube in just a few hours!

More to come soon! Videos will be posted to Youtube as soon as I figure out computer issues!

Featured in LION

Today, the school newspaper, "LION" was given out, and Trike Trek '11 got a half page spread in it!! I was very pleased with the story, although there were two minor mistakes - one is that Dan lives in IL, not WI. And the other is that the new trikes will use DRUM brakes, not DISC brakes. But either way, they did a great job and I'm very happy with it!

See the online version by clicking here!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hubs are in!

So, today after school I got a call from the bike shop, and they finally got my wheels done!! So I will pick them up today, and begin work on them tomorrow hopefully!


Please, if you havent already, subscribe to my youtube channel where I will be posting videos of each build day plus more, or follow me on this site to keep yourself up to date! Also, I am always open to suggestions and ideas, and if youre interested in the project or just want to talk about bikes - shoot me an email!

The velo's are coming.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

New Blog!

Hey everyone! 

With only a few days to go before the new trikes can begin, I thought I would start up a blog to make progress even easier to track. 

I will be posting pics and videos on this site as well as letting everyone know whats going on.

Please follow me!

Thanks for your support!

Chase Manley